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This is a must see for all you David Cook Fans out there. He's performing in a High School musical production of "Singing in the Rain," in the Donald O'Connor role... singing "Make 'Em Laugh." He's dancing and doing acrobatic flips and cracking up the audience. The Examiner article accompanying it verifies it's DC... but I wonder if the singing is live or if he had recorded it because he should be more out of breath and the song should have some rough spots due to the dancing, and it sounds so smooth. I'll have to investigate further. I just which there was as tighter spot to see just how adorable he is.
This is the scene from the pilot with the car phone! Notice the lack of homes-or anything-in Malibu back then.
It’s odd how one of the best shows on television (past and present) can also be one of the most frustrating. The Oceanic survivors aren’t the only ones “lost” right now. The producers have tossed in so many new twists and turns the show is becoming sort of a brain-teaser. It will either sharpen my mind–or destroy it! The interruption from the writers strike didn’t help. Yet I’m hanging in there, because minute for minute, this show still delivers the best bang for the buck.
The writers have added so many new layers to this bean dip. They spent three seasons establishing the characters through imaginative flash backs. Now we’re being tempted with morsels of their demise with clever “flash-forwards.” There are even hints of time displacement (or “temporal anomalies” for you Trekkers out there!) And this week the Smoke Monster is back! Plus something new: I didn’t hate Ben. Even when he let the latest band of bad guys kill his daughter. This is the only show where a psychopath can grow on you!
As some of the pieces fall into place each week, new ones are thrown in. I only hope this leads to a spectacular climax. It just better not sputter out like “Twin Peaks.”
One nagging question has lingered since season one. They’ve been on the island less than 4 months. Several characters received nasty injuries that would take weeks, if not months to heal. Every injury should be piling up cumulatively. Dramatic license I suppose. If only I could ask Jacob.
Meanwhile, enjoy the sneak peek at next week's episode!