Sunday, May 17, 2009

Viral Video: Hulu's New Commercial with Denis Leary Won't Rot Your Brain

Have you seen this wonderful commercial yet? Hulu has been rocking the airwaves as one of the few big Internet sites to advertise on TV. They rolled out some great advertising in this year's Superbowl. But because Hulu is all about television, it walks a gossamer thin line in this spot; poking fun at TV...while simultaneously making it seem like the coolest thing on earth. And what better spokesperson could they have gotten for THAT message than Mr. Denis Leary? If you look up the word cool on Wikipedia, you'll find a picture of Denis, who can be found every week in the gritty FDNY series "Rescue Me" (Tuesday nights on fX).

Hulu's online traffic has been growing faster than you can say the word Twitter. It really makes you wonder why more big web sites don't spit shine their brands and send them off to TV Land. With most advertisers fretting about "clutter", TV is a wide open frontier when it comes to this category.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

He's wonderful in this spot! Quite dastardly! Once Hulu gets the international access thing worked out, maybe I can like them again.

Love the commercials! They have figured out who -- Alec Baldwin, Leary -- has the perfect sensibility to pull off a campaign like that.