Friday, July 31, 2009
Our Mad Men World: Hortense the Neighbor

Our Mad Men World: "And Awaaaay We Go!"

CBS TV star Jackie Gleason stops by Sterling Cooper to drop off a pair of airplane tickets to Miami for Don Draper, inviting him to fly down to watch a filming of his show. Don is excited, though he decides not to admit to Gleason that he really preferred Art Carney's Ed Norton in "The Honeymooners".
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Our Mad Men World: Mr. Bob, the Evil HR Director
"Good morning, girls" he cried out in a hollow booming voice. He always tried to sound so cheerful, but his eyes...dead and flat like dull pennies, told the true story. Mr. B's soul was as empty as a bottle of Alka Seltzer at a chili cook off. Watch your back, Don! Mr. Bob loves to bring the high and mighty to their knees!
Our Mad Men World: Don's Swedish Lesson

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Our Mad Men World: Don's Drive Home
A sweet South American calypso drifts through the speakers...the Girl from Ipanema? His eyes close and the Cadillac swerves towards the dense brush at the side of the road.
Seconds before disaster he turns the wheel and is on the pavement again. Almost home. He's flashes back to the afternoon with Gretchen the frozen food mogul. Nice. But in his reverie she looks more like a Latin beauty in glasses. And her boobs have been deflated. Whoa! What's up with that?
Not for the first time, Don thinks maybe it's time to cut back on the double shots of Johnny Walker Red.
The engine purrs as he pours the car into the driveway.
Our Mad Men World: Danny Kaye Visits Sterling Cooper

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
"Mad Men" Yourself at AMC's Website!

A blowhard guy with an eyepatch and a drink --

And a career lady I tried to make look like Edith Prickley from SCTV --

Definitely check this wonderful website out and congrats to Dyna Moe!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Viral Video Moment: Simon's Cat in "Fly Guy"
We haven't done a Viral Video in a while either, and what could be more perfect than following Lisa's 90 year old TV animated cat tribute to Felix with a very modern YouTube animated cat. The "Simon's Cat" series is up to 5 original episodes now, and each one is delightful. There is even a Thanksgiving version that features (gasp) a dog. This animator is a genius. Anyone who has a cat will instantly recognize that he has captured the very essence of what makes cats simultaneously adorable and maddening.
Below is one of the most popular Simon's Cat episodes, called TV Dinner. It has gotten nearly 8 million views on YouTube!
Nose-Talgia: "Felix The Cat" Cartoons
The character of Felix The Cat is ninety years old this year, and you can read all about the important role he played in the history of television here! Long before he showed up as a children's TV show that delighted baby boomers, Felix was a mega-star in the world of animation. He's more than deserving of our attention!
He's truly a wonderful, wonderful cat!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
BBC America on a Sci-Fi Roll!
If you missed the harrowing new Torchwood miniseries Torchwood: Children of Earth which played this past week, all five parts will repeat tomorrow, Sunday 7/26, beginning at 1pm with a special which will get you up to speed with Captain Jack Harkness and the group. I'm telling you, this special is riveting even if you've never watched the series before, and it's pretty damned shocking, too. Really horrifying in sections, especially from Part 3 onward. Yikes. Some creepy stuff.
Torchwood: Children of Earth runs straight up until 8pm, at which time BBCA presents a Doctor Who special "Planet of the Dead" -- available in HD, too -- and on Monday there's another Doctor Who special entitled "The Next Doctor". (Pictured below, "Planet of the Dead".)

Being Human, a brand new show, premiered earlier tonight. It's about a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost 20-somethings living together in Bristol, England, and the opener repeats tomorrow night at 9:15p after the Doctor Who special.

Lots to watch! Here's a cute trailer for Being Human, from its run on BBC 3 in Great Britain.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Goodnight Moon: A Final Tribute to Apollo 11

To all the men and women of NASA and related industries who's brilliance and diligence helped put humans on the moon, we thank you.
To all the people of the world who support space exploration and dream (as we do) of going boldly where no man has gone before...we thank you.
To all the television networks and Internet websites who remembered with their coverage this historic day, the Flaming Nose says a very heart felt thank you. Especially to the History Channel which featured the original CBS telecast of the Apollo landing narrated by the unforgettable news anchor Walter Cronkite, who just passed away this week.
Forty years ago people all over the earth put their differences on pause, to watch humans take the first step towards the stars. May it happen again in my life time.
Next stop...Mars. (Imagine how great it will look on HDTV!)
To The Moon!

Here's another stunning excerpt, entitled "Blast Off".
I can't find the whole opera anywhere yet (I keep hoping Ovation will play it sometime), but if you are fascinated by this amazing piece, there are four segments of conductor Brad Cohen in rehearsal which will give you a taste of more of this incredible production, available here, here, here and here.
Of course, you might like to tune into Turner Classic Movies today for a whole day of space-related movies, including in prime time at 8pm the documentary For All Mankind about the Apollo missions, featuring the words of the astronauts themselves, and following that, the greatest, smartest and most entertaining movie about space and astronauts ever made, 1983's The Right Stuff, directed by Jonathan Kaufman. (Pictured below, from left, Fred Ward, Dennis Quaid, Scott Paulin, Ed Harris, Charles Frank, Scott Glenn and Lance Henricksen, as the Mercury 7 astronauts.)

Take a few minutes today to reflect on the marvelous achievement from 40 years ago. The Flaming Nose salutes the men and women of NASA, past and present!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Moon Walkers - The 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing - TIME
Moon Walkers - The 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing - TIME
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Amazing Website from JFK Library on the Moon Mission Anniversary

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Entourage Season Six: Bro-TV is Back!

Last season ended with an exhilarating roller coaster, culminating in Vinnie getting the lead in a Martin Scorsese picture. This Sunday found the boys back in LA, struggling to wean themselves from the pack and find their own (homes, girl friends, identities). There was a completely unnecessary arc about Vinnie learning to drive the big black Cadillac sport utility vehicle. Note to producers: a) Gas guzzlers are so 2008 in Hollywood now. The coolest celebrities are all in little Hybrids. And b) why the heck should Vinnie have to learn how to drive? Everybody drives like crap in L.A. anyway, he should stick with a chauffeur since he can afford it. Maybe they are planning a DUI for him in this season? How Lindsay Lohan can you get.
What I liked about the season premier? Shades of "it's lonely at the top" with Vinnie going home to a dark house while his bro's are all out doing their own thing. What I didn't like? Ari's over the top hazing of his hapless gay assistant who is gunning for a promotion. Check out the HBO website for Lloyd's diary and snarky video.
Not the best start ever, but I still love these guys and I'm glad to see them back.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Apollo 11: 40th Anniversary This Week
This Thursday will mark the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon mission launch. The journey that followed for astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, became one of the most viewed television events of all time, as people from every nation turned to the small screen to see history being made.

I was a geeky little kid with blue glasses when my Dad stuffed us into the family station wagon and drove from NY to Florida to see the launch in person. We woke up before dawn on July 16th and drove as far down the beach as possible, to get closer to Cape Canaveral. I remember thinking how strange it was to see what was normally a deserted beach just covered with thousands of cars and people. We all had transistor radios so we could hear the launch countdown. Ours was a lime green Panasonic Ball and Chain model.

Central Florida around the time of the Apollo 11 mission had "space fever". Half the buildings in

I had space fever too after the launch, and would run from the beach back to our hotel room to watch the news coverage on a little black and white TV. On July 20, 1969, I sat with my sisters and parents while we watched the Eagle detach and then descend to the surface of the moon. We were part of the

As we remember the glorious and successful Apollo 11 mission, we actually have a modern day space flight to view tomorrow at 7PM eastern time. If all goes well, the much delayed STS-127 Endeavor mission to install new equipment on the space station will finally launch. Visit the NASA website to learn more or to watch the launch in streaming video.
Both Discovery and History channel websites also have plenty on Apollo 11. And

There is not much to feel cheerful about these days, with millions of people out of work and the economy doing a nose dive. I think we need another shot of hope like that moment when JFK swore that the USA would land a man on the moon before the next decade. We did it then and we can do it again. So...note to President Obama: Please throw a little of that stimulus money over to NASA and we can make the next stop Mars!
Friday, July 10, 2009
If You're in Portland, Oregon, This Weekend, Go Amok Here!

And if STitP isn't amazing enough, I just found this incredible Star Trek opera on YouTube, also inspired by "Amok Time". OMG -- it's insanely great! If you are a Trek fan, be sure to watch the six parts. Clever, Written by composer Steven Clark, and first performed in San Francisco in 2006, it's terrific. Why hadn't I run into this before? See, the internet is still full of surprises for us, every day!
I also just ran into a great blog called "My Star Trek Scrapbook", which is just that -- a wonderful collection of articles and photos collected by a devoted fan over the years. (I'll have to put my stuff online sometime, too.) It's a delightful site and be sure to visit! Our congrats to Frederick for such an impressive job!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Michael Jackson's Memorial in Downtown LA: TV Hysteria

Every cable news, local news and network news channel appears to be covering the event. It is also streaming live on all news websites. It's not worth listing them all here. If you can't find the coverage within 30 seconds of switching on your set or booting up your PC, then stick a mirror under your nose to see if you're still breathing.
One of the most interesting circus side stories to this amazing public meltdown, quite

Meanwhile, several news outlets have just reported that Mr. Jackson's casket will be transported to the Staples center for the memorial. Apparently it will be rolled out during a performance of "Thriller". OK, I did actually make that one up. But it wouldn't surprise me.

Superstars scheduled to appear at the memorial include Stevie Wonder and Jennifer Hudson. Elizabeth Taylor respectfully declined.
I don't recall anything like this level of public insanity when past music superstars met their demise. Surely both Elvis and John Lennon were as big, if not bigger in the pantheon of dead celebrities? What makes Michael Jackson's death and subsequent memorial a bigger media event? I offer the following hypothesis:
- The number of media outlets has exploded. There are countless websites, cable channels, social networking can barely get a Tweet in edgewise. They all contribute to the media uproar like twigs being thrown onto a giant bonfire.
- Similar to "The Day of the Locust" which is set in the great Depression, we are now teetering on the edge of very dark days. If not an actual depression, we are certainly in a deep recession, with massive unemployment in Southern California. Mob mentality thrives in an economic downturn.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Flaming Nose Covers the "Summer of '69"

The first and most important is NASA's Apollo 11 moon voyage, which took place forty years ago in mid-July. At least three of the Flaming Nose bloggers are confirmed space program fanatics, so you can expect multiple posts over the next few weeks. The website already features some terrific information about the mission. I have a personal connection to the Apollo 11 story, since I was lucky enough to be standing on the beach in Florida when I was a kid to witness the launch with my own eyes. Quick TV factoid about the moon landing 40 years ago; according to Nielsen Media Research it was one of the most viewed live events (worldwide) for decades, with between 600 million and 1 billion watching Neil Armstrong step onto the moon. Immense population growth and greater availability of television globally has seen many additional events surpass that number, including the funeral for Princess Diana, which was estimated at 2.5 billion viewers.
The next event is as dark a moment as the Apollo 11 mission was glorious. On August 9th, 1969, the infamous Manson "family" began its murderous rampage in Los Angeles, by killing movie

The final big event from the summer of 1969 was the long weekend of peace, love and hallucinogenic drugs

So strange to have connections to all three of these historical moments. I feel a little like Forest Gump right now.
Stay tuned for more on the Summer of '69, right here on The Flaming Nose!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
"Twilight Zone" 4th of July Marathon on SciFi Channel Today
Before they make their silly and unwelcome name change to SyFy in the near future, you can still enjoy the SciFi Channel today as it presents its 4th of July Twilight Zone Marathon. Long a staple of the network, however they by no means invented the convention of a T Zone marathon. It was a longstanding tradition to hold Twilight Zone-athons on many of the local stations running the show back in the day.
My old station KTLA was famous for running a most excellent Thanksgiving Day festival, and on other holidays also. Twilight Zone was a particularly perfect show for a marathon -- ideal

We did not originate it, however; T Zone was syndicated all over, and the marathon idea sprang up on the East Coast, in Boston, I believe first, though possibly in a different market. I know that we had the show, and in my policy of always giving credit where it's due, our then-Program Director Brooke Spectorsky who had come from WSB (I think...) had done one there and brought the notion to KTLA. We ran with it and it became a beloved tradition.
And so it goes. Nothing is new in television, believe me!
(Sci Fi's marathon actually started yesterday with eps from the 1980's Twilight Zone redo series, but continues today with the originals.)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Crazy Summer TV: Expedition Africa!

On any proper "survival" type reality show, the participants must have distinct and exasperating personalities. Expedition Africa includes the following "characters":

- Navigator: Pasquale Scaturro (cranky, contentious and very bossy)
- Wildlife Expert: Dr. Mireya Mayor (quiet, tiny and dour)
- Survivalist: Benedict Allen (British, snooty, put upon and hates Pasquale)
- Journalist: Kevin Sites (A bit "deer in the headlights" but the most accessible of all the players)

Nevertheless, Expedition Africa is worth watching, if only to see the gorgeous Masai Warriors helping our modern explorers find their way. The Masai are master trackers and a hundred times more comfortable in the harsh African environment than the gang of four, even without Nylon tents and Nike hiking boots.