And when we say Spock, we mean the one and only Leonard Nimoy!
Can't wait to see this next year!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Dexter Goes a Little Crazy -- A Great Moment from Last Week's "Dexter" Episode
About Last Night -- Wherein Dexter discovers that Miguel has been playing him, but good.
With HBO's TrueBlood finished until new episodes appear next summer, we can now concentrate fully on the last three episodes of Showtime's Dexter. This season has a been a good one for our serial killer, with a bravura and chilling performance by Jimmy Smits as Dex's confidante and co-conspirator. We've learned that Smits' Miguel Prado has gone rogue, throwing off Dexter's Code to murder his professional enemy, defense
lawyer Ellen Wolfe, played with great verve by Anne Ramsay. Seeing her dead at the bottom of the open grave was a grim moment, and especially so for Lt. LaGuerta who had become Ellen's close friend (and though I think they were both supposed to be straight, I felt they might have tumbled into bed at some point, or was I just reading too much into their girl talk?). LaGuerta also took it on the chin last season when her good friend and ex-partner/lover Doakes was murdered by the evil Lila. Lauren Velez as LaGuerta has been especially superb in these last few episodes.
As we've said before, we're not so wild about the whiny wedding planning obsession of Dexter's girlfriend Rita, but we were on the edge of our seat as Deborah and Quinn (Desmond Harrington) raced to save her new boyfriend/informant Anton (David Ramsey) from more torture at the hands of The Skinner. We love that Angel finally has a girlfriend, too, the tough but appealing Lt. Gianna played by Kristin Dattilo. Is she going to be too street-wise for Angel? I don't think he was too thrilled to discover that she hit it off with Masuka, sharing bizarre sex practice information with the enthusiastically pervy forensic investigator.
Considering that we're only three episodes away from the conclusion of this season, it doesn't feel like Dexter's been quite as viscerally involving or richly-plotted as the first and second years of the show, but there have been other pleasures. This season has been more domestic, more emotional, very different but still very compelling and getting more so, thanks so much to Smits' excellent work and his excellent chemistry with Michael C. Hall. Were Smits not so much fun to watch as he sinks further into his mania, with Dexter desperately trying to keep him in check, this season might have been a bit of a let-down. But it's not, not even close.
Don't miss tomorrow night's Dexter episode on Showtime!
With HBO's TrueBlood finished until new episodes appear next summer, we can now concentrate fully on the last three episodes of Showtime's Dexter. This season has a been a good one for our serial killer, with a bravura and chilling performance by Jimmy Smits as Dex's confidante and co-conspirator. We've learned that Smits' Miguel Prado has gone rogue, throwing off Dexter's Code to murder his professional enemy, defense
As we've said before, we're not so wild about the whiny wedding planning obsession of Dexter's girlfriend Rita, but we were on the edge of our seat as Deborah and Quinn (Desmond Harrington) raced to save her new boyfriend/informant Anton (David Ramsey) from more torture at the hands of The Skinner. We love that Angel finally has a girlfriend, too, the tough but appealing Lt. Gianna played by Kristin Dattilo. Is she going to be too street-wise for Angel? I don't think he was too thrilled to discover that she hit it off with Masuka, sharing bizarre sex practice information with the enthusiastically pervy forensic investigator.
Considering that we're only three episodes away from the conclusion of this season, it doesn't feel like Dexter's been quite as viscerally involving or richly-plotted as the first and second years of the show, but there have been other pleasures. This season has been more domestic, more emotional, very different but still very compelling and getting more so, thanks so much to Smits' excellent work and his excellent chemistry with Michael C. Hall. Were Smits not so much fun to watch as he sinks further into his mania, with Dexter desperately trying to keep him in check, this season might have been a bit of a let-down. But it's not, not even close.
Don't miss tomorrow night's Dexter episode on Showtime!
Anne Ramsay,
Jimmy Smits,
Lauren Velez,
Michael C. Hall
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Entourage Season Finale--Exhilarating!

I hope I'm not a spoiler tonight, but if you're reading the Flaming Nose instead of watching all the great TV out there then you deserve to have your ending stolen.
What I love most about this series is that it has put the fun back into show business. For those sweat shop workers out there who still work in media (TV, Movies, Internet), you know what I'm talking about. Our days are spent hunched over laptops fielding 200 email messages, or hand cuffed to a Blackberry that beeps at us like a Nazi

This season found Vince, the action hero with the face of a Greek God and the emotional range of a butternut squash, on the wrong side of La Cienega Boulevard in the hierarchy of Hollywood. He's box office poison, and has been canned by the psychotic German director from the fire-fighting movie that was going to put him back on the A list. How precient, by the way, that while these episodes aired, LA was in the midst of a real fire storm, with the Santa Ana winds immolating so many neighborhoods that even Bel Aire and Beverly Hills couldn't ignore the smell of smoke in the air.
At the end of the tequila drenched day, Entourage is about friendship...the comraderie of the pack. But I like to see it as an homage to the magic of Hollywood. Where a dweeb like Turtle (who looks and dresses exactly like a character out of a Bazooka bubble gum comic) can be romanced by a hot television starlet. Where an actor who was once the top of the heap, can't even get a reading with an indie director, and thinks it's all over. Until Ari the Agent who can p

A special shout out to Kevin Dillon who plays "Drama", Vince's brother and a budding TV star. He is surely one of the greatest talents of this amazing series, and is consistently hilarious in every episode. The funniest line of tonight's finale belonged to him, as he announced he was going to "jump off the fucking Triborough Bridge" after discovering Turtle's tryst with celebrity Jamie Lynn was real.
Entourage Season 5 is over, and it passed too quickly. If you blinked or didn't TiVo, you missed it. But it was a great ride and I can't wait for the boys to be back in town next year.
NoseTalgia Salutes The Wonder Years
The Wonder Years (1989-1994) charmed from the moment it first went on the air. From the opening theme song (Joe Cocker's fantastic rendition of "A Little Help from My Friends") to the grainy Super 8 footage of a typical suburban family, circa late 1960's, we knew we were in for a nostalgic treat. But there was never anything typical about The Wonder Years, which was ground breaking in its own sweet and gentle way. It was one of the first television programs to routinely feature contemporary artists and songs in the background, which brought a tremendous emotional lift to all the stories. It was the one of the first to have a narrator (marvelous Daniel Stern) in every episode. And long before LOST confused us with endless flashbacks, The Wonder Years was one of the first programs where the entire series was told through the lens of memory.

At its core, The Wonder Years was a show about growing up in that peculiar time of American history when "Duck and Cover" air raid drills were routine and all the junior high schools were named after the Kennedys. Watching Kevin Arnold (Fred Savage), and his friends Paul (Josh Saviano) and the ethereal Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar) was like flipping through an old family photo album for just about every Baby Boomer on the planet. The experience was funny, touching, and on occasion painfully real.
In my favorite episode (Math Class), Kevin is struggling with a particularly difficult Algebra moment. His teacher (Mr. Collins) is strict and humorless but he is determined to work with Kevin, every day after school, until he "gets" it. Kevin rebels against this regimen every step of the way. But soon enough he realizes, much to his utter amazement, that math isn't as mysterious as he

I'd like to dedicate this post to my son Tommy, who is about to wrap up his own "wonder years" in a few days when he departs to serve his country as a sailor in the US Navy. I wish him wisdom, laughter and luck as he embarks on this incredible adventure.
Fred Savage,
The Wonder Years
The Greatest Show -- A Spectacular Meteor!
Now, nobody loves television more than The Flaming Nose, but boy, do we also love science and space! Did you read about the incredible meteor that flamed out over Edmonton, Alberta in Canada this past week? It was big news north of the border!
It was just after dark, and a police car in Edmonton had the dash cam on and captured the absolutely amazing explosion of the meteor!
Somebody else got it on their digital cam from their home -- you can see it at its maximum brightness then more of the aftermath as it broke up.
And here's an extended TV news report on the event, from Canada's Global Network:
And another newscast from CTV Network, and some great new security cam footage!
So that's your Awesome Science moment for today! Wow! Wish I had seen it!
Update 11/24: Here's a link to another amazing video, captured by a stationary camera, in Biggar, Saskatchewan! Stunning!
It was just after dark, and a police car in Edmonton had the dash cam on and captured the absolutely amazing explosion of the meteor!
Somebody else got it on their digital cam from their home -- you can see it at its maximum brightness then more of the aftermath as it broke up.
And here's an extended TV news report on the event, from Canada's Global Network:
And another newscast from CTV Network, and some great new security cam footage!
So that's your Awesome Science moment for today! Wow! Wish I had seen it!
Update 11/24: Here's a link to another amazing video, captured by a stationary camera, in Biggar, Saskatchewan! Stunning!
Edmonton Alberta,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
New "Star Trek" Movie Trailer!
We would be betraying our natures if The Flaming Nose didn't post this brand-spanking new trailer for the upcoming J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie -- we're huge fans of everything Star Trek and can't wait for it!
Wow! Boy, do we hope it's great! Though we all grew on up Star Trek: The Original Series and every other one since then, we're always up for a new adventure with the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise!
For more on the movie also worth reading, though only if taken with a huge grain of salt, is
Entertainment Weekly's recent article on the new movie. They tried a little too hard to hammer the nail into the Star Trek franchise coffin, with descriptions like "retro sci-fi cheese" and "near-irrelevant cultural joke" and "defunct old property" strewn throughout the article. All right, a series spawned forty years ago needed a juice-up, duh! When you consider the total number of hours of programming which emerged from Roddenberry's vision, Trek is the most vital science fiction property ever. Why didn't EW just go ahead and kick Shakespeare in the nuts while they were pummelling Star Trek -- he's a little dusty, too!
But I digress! We're here to love on the new Star Trek trailer. It's beautiful! We can't wait until May 2009!
Wow! Boy, do we hope it's great! Though we all grew on up Star Trek: The Original Series and every other one since then, we're always up for a new adventure with the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise!
For more on the movie also worth reading, though only if taken with a huge grain of salt, is

But I digress! We're here to love on the new Star Trek trailer. It's beautiful! We can't wait until May 2009!
J.J. Abrams,
Movie Trailer,
Star Trek,
Star Trek Movie
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tim DeKay -- Another Good Reason to Watch "The New Adventures of Old Christine"

Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Christine) and DeKay have done screen time together

So please give The New Adventures of Old Christine a look tonight, at 8pm on CBS! How many more reasons do we have to give you? How about just one more -- it's hilarious!
P.S.: On a more serious note, Tim DeKay is also a spokesperson for Artists United for Freedom, an organization which fights modern day slavery in all its manifestations. Here's a short message from him on the subject:
Counting Down to Sunday's "Redemption" of "24"
"Redemption" is what looks to be an action-packed outing, set in Africa, where Keifer Sutherland's Jack Bauer has been working as a missionary -- cleansing his karma, no doubt. Filmed on location in Capetown, South Africa as well as L.A., "Redemption" also features the always intelligent actress Cherry Jones (The Perfect Storm, Signs) as the U.S. President, intense Brit actor Robert Carlyle (Trainspotting, The Full Monty, 28 Weeks Later, and so much more), Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal), and Jon Voight in the story centered around the real-life conscription of child soldiers by African militia warlords. No doubt a very timely story, I hope that
Let's assume that the 24 folks have fixed whatever tendencies toward meandering that plagued the last season, and that we are looking forward to another dynamite Jack Bauer outing. Nothing -- but nothing! -- on TV has ever been as good or clearly even-better-than-the-movies as a really terrific episode of 24, and that's the level of quality we're hoping for with "Redemption".
"Redemption" premieres this coming Sunday, November 22, at 8pm on Fox. The website for this special event is full of background info and all sorts of extras, so do visit it!
Here's the "Redemption" trailer to get you in the mood!:
FOX broadcasting,
Jack Bauer,
Keifer Sutherland,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
National Geographic Channel's "Expedition Week"
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wanda Sykes Revelation Becomes Front Page News
Wow! The news that actress/comedienne Wanda Sykes has revealed that she's gay certainly put her in the headlines -- witness the huge number of Google hits on the subject. She publicly came out at a weekend rally in Las Vegas to protest the passage of California's notorious Prop. 8 which bans same-sex marriage. Sykes also announced that she had married her partner in October. Congrats to them!
On the TV front, The Flaming Nose is hoping that this burst of Sykes-related publicity might result in a few new viewers for her CBS sitcom, the Julia Louis-Dreyfus-starring The New Adventures of Old Christine, which airs at 8p on Wednesday nights. This is one of the best sitcoms
out there, with Wanda and Julia pure delight together. (Apropos of Syke's recent announcement, a very funny episode earlier this season revolved around the two marrying to keep Sykes' character from being deported.) TNAoOC is consistently hilarious, with a cast -- Clark Gregg, Hamish Linklater (my fave), Emily Rutherfurd -- that knows how to deliver a laugh. Even though there's a kid in the cast -- Old Christine's son, played by Trevor Gagnon -- he's awkward and unusual and not at all some typical smart-aleck sitcom brat.
Let's hope that Wanda Sykes' decision to come out wins her even more fans and draws them to The New Adventures of Old Christine. It's a show that doesn't always get the buzz that it genuinely deserves. The Flaming Nose loves Wanda Sykes and we love The New Adventures of Old Christine!
On the TV front, The Flaming Nose is hoping that this burst of Sykes-related publicity might result in a few new viewers for her CBS sitcom, the Julia Louis-Dreyfus-starring The New Adventures of Old Christine, which airs at 8p on Wednesday nights. This is one of the best sitcoms

Let's hope that Wanda Sykes' decision to come out wins her even more fans and draws them to The New Adventures of Old Christine. It's a show that doesn't always get the buzz that it genuinely deserves. The Flaming Nose loves Wanda Sykes and we love The New Adventures of Old Christine!
Ricky Gervais -- We Love Him!

In his special, Gervais displays his fascinating mixture of endearing arrogance, savage empathy, prodigious brainpower and undeniable humanity as he offers up a consistently amusing show. There's something brave and yet gentle about Gervais' stance with an audience; he doesn't command their attention but rather beckons them along. You're not always sure that his bits are going to go over, either, at least I wasn't. He was in front of a NYC audience, and his material is often quite British. I wonder if most Americans know that the word "podge" is an English slang for fat; one of his jokes relies on that. Maybe they do.
Here's a short clip from the special, which we offer with a warning that there's explicit language and all that other good stuff:
All we can say is watch the special. Ricky Gervais is something, all right. Sigh....
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ricky Gervais Stand-Up Special on HBO, Saturday Night
Ricky Gervais -- Out of England: The Stand-Up Special airs at 9pm et/ 10pm pt, and promises to show another side of this multi-talented writer-performer. Like the best of his kind, Ricky combines a keen wit, an absurd sensibility, an immense intelligence, an unbounded

No doubt you recall his bit on September's Emmy Awards; he was the highlight of the ceremonies and shook the place up like nobody else could. If you've followed his career you might have read some carping about some of his UK live gigs, but the clips on YouTube are quite hilarious so we'll chalk some of that up to the inevitable sour grapes.
Here is a delightful bit from Ricky who appeared on Late Night with David Letterman last week to present the Top Ten:
And here's a promo from tomorrow night's special:
We'd recommend reading the Ricky interview on the special's HBO website, plus you might like to visit the official Ricky Gervais website, and there's a syndicated column on the special showing up that's also worth a read.
Ricky Gervais - Out of England: The Stand-Up Special is a don't-miss event!
Monday, November 10, 2008
New Book about Ted Turner Just Published

Ted wasn't having any of it at that point. As we left his office, he said to me, and I quote, "When you have a network with your name on it, you can program it the way you want." So true! And of course later we were finally able to expand into series, that tactic continued by the current admin who naturally thinks they invented series on TNT. So much for short memories

But so now there's this new book Call Me Ted, co-written by one of the most terrific Turner execs I ever worked with, Bill Burke. We worked together at Turner Classic Movies, and he was one of the funniest, most accessible, naturally bright, and self-confident but ego-less people I have ever known. (The other one just like him was Greg Nathanson from my days at KTLA -- both men coincidentally from media families, which must somehow instill knowledge and kindness that eludes so many from the outside who have strived desperately to work in television, and subsequently turned into bastards).
Today's New York Times has a nice profile on Bill, and The Flaming Nose wishes him and Mr. Turner the best of luck with this new book. Both Ted Turner and I left the company at about the same time, under different circumstances of course but both rather abruptly handed our hats, as it were. I only hope that those currently at the Turner Networks remember, every day, the man whose name graces their company and without whose passion and foresight they'd be far less smug today. Ted Turner invented this stuff -- they're only living off it.
Check out Call Me Ted for the life of the broadcasting rebel that we all admire. I know I do.
And congratulations to Bill Burke for his contribution; Ted was lucky to have you in it with him.
Bill Burke,
Call Me Ted,
Ted Turner
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Animated Fun on HBO: "The Life and Times of Tim"
I came a little late to the party but have caught up and I'm completely loving this droll creation of award-winning real-life ad man Steve Dildarian. The titular Tim is completely hapless, manipulated by his boss, his girlfriend and everybody else around him into situations that he knows are going to mess him up. Dildarian also voices Tim. Here's an amusing little clip that will give you a hint of the flavor of TLATOT:
I love Tim's hangdog personality, Dildarian's droll delivery, and the strong
absurdist sensibility that makes The Life and Times of Tim a new favorite of The Flaming Nose. It's animated in a charming minimalist style, perfectly capturing the everyday near-drabness of Tim's beleagured existence. This show will grow on you!
The Life and Times of Tim airs on HBO Sunday evenings at 11pm, now following the new Summer Heights High which premieres tonight. There's the link to HBO's Tim website where you can learn more about this delightful series.
Steve Dildarian,
The Life and Times of Tim
Nose-talgia: "Hubba Bubba" -- Our Very Own Dean Co-Stars in Vintage TNT Promo!
A treat for us! Back in the day when I was at TNT, we prided ourselves both on our love of television and our insistence on creativity. We had a wonderful crop of promotion producers -- some still there -- who loved TV as much as the Programming Dept. did. This is one of the efforts, an adorable singing promo for the series In The Heat of the Night, starring ITHOTN actor Alan Autry, who went on to become Mayor of Fresno, California; he's still in office now (until January) and also a radio talk show host!
Autry's character was named Bubba Skinner -- he was a hunk, hubba hubba! -- and so was born "Hubba Bubba"! With music and lyrics by Brian Matson, and the Jailbirds played by Dean and Blake (our Dean is the shorter Jailbird), this is a sweet blast from the past!
Autry's character was named Bubba Skinner -- he was a hunk, hubba hubba! -- and so was born "Hubba Bubba"! With music and lyrics by Brian Matson, and the Jailbirds played by Dean and Blake (our Dean is the shorter Jailbird), this is a sweet blast from the past!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Viral Video Moment: A Cat in a Box
cat n box
It has been a while since we've posted a Viral Video Moment on the Flaming Nose. Here's something a little light hearted, after this exhausting week of roller coaster Wall Street, the Presidential election and the ever spiraling economy. It's Friday...enjoy!
It has been a while since we've posted a Viral Video Moment on the Flaming Nose. Here's something a little light hearted, after this exhausting week of roller coaster Wall Street, the Presidential election and the ever spiraling economy. It's Friday...enjoy!
Cat Video
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Salute to Kenneth from "30 Rock"!
Check out this amusing and enlightening appreciation of and interview with 30 Rock's Jack McBrayer, who plays Kenneth the page, written by Sarah Hepola for
You'll also enjoy this compilation of Kenneth scenes entitled "I Get a Kick Outta Kenneth", produced by YouTube user acb205:
Of course don't forget to watch 30 Rock tonight, on NBC!
You'll also enjoy this compilation of Kenneth scenes entitled "I Get a Kick Outta Kenneth", produced by YouTube user acb205:
Of course don't forget to watch 30 Rock tonight, on NBC!
30 Rock,
Jack McBrayer,
Kenneth the Page,
Have You Seen the New "Dollhouse" Teaser?
After a rocky production start, evidently the much-anticipated new Josh Whedon series for Fox -- Dollhouse -- is back on track. No official start date has been announced, but Mondays starting in January, after the finally-returning 24, seems to be the best guess.
Starring the always intriguing Eliza Dushku -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tru Calling, the intense movie thriller Wrong Turn -- Dollhouse promises slick thrills done intelligently.
Can't wait!! Take a look for yourself --
Starring the always intriguing Eliza Dushku -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tru Calling, the intense movie thriller Wrong Turn -- Dollhouse promises slick thrills done intelligently.
Can't wait!! Take a look for yourself --
Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
Eliza Dushku,
Josh Whedon,
Tru Calling
Variety Loves "Mad Men" Star Jon Hamm, Too!

Sigh...The Flaming Nose is certainly not the only place touting Jon Hamm's emergence as one of the most fascinating leading men of the day. deputy editor Anne Thompson had a terrific article last week about his burgeoning career possibilities. You can read it here.
He's certainly yummy, and talented! As our Jane previously reported, we're crossing our fingers that he does get picked to romance 30 Rock's Liz Lemon, as played by Tina Fey, this season!
Jon Hamm,
Mad Men AMC
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Simpsons Still Going Strong
The other day I went on about how "Survivor" manages to survive. Last Sunday "The Simpsons" annual Halloween episode aired and it was as hilarious and crisp as ever. This year the show spoofed Mad Men (see the brilliant takeoff of the opening credits in the clip above) and the classic Peanuts cartoon "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." I scoured the web for a clip parodying the Peanuts opening credits but to no avail. I did find this gem of a clip from the episode though:
All I can say is brilliant. I can't say I watch every week anymore, but it's nice to know that after 20 years, "The Simpsons" is still made of win.
Great Pumpkin,
mad men,
The Simpsons
Monday, November 3, 2008
On Tuesday, TV (And the Internet!) Will Be All About the US Presidential Election

But I predict that this election, historic in so many ways, will also be a night of firsts for the web. There will be enormous numbers of people surfing the net for more detailed information, in addition to what they are seeing on TV. I can only hope that my cable company will have the bandwidth to survive the hoards!
In order to assist those who want to have concurrent TV viewing and Internet using, I'm posting a list of all the main news sites I can think of below. No need to vote for TV or Internet; tomorrow night the most perfect flow of information will come from a total convergence of both.
ABC News
BBC News
CBS News
CNN News
FOX News Channel
NBC News
NY Times
Good luck America. All eyes will be upon you tomorrow. And no matter who wins the election tomorrow, we all know who won in television during the course of this campaign.... and that surely must be Saturday Night Live!
US Election,
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Survivor: A Guilty Pleasure

More than eight years and 17 seasons after its debut, the granddaddy of elimination/competition reality television hasn't lost its edge. The Survivor franchise, how shall we say, survives, because its producers know how to keep it fresh, while never straying far from its original formula.
This season the franchise has something new going for it: High Def. "Survivor: Gabon" is the first season broadcast in HD on CBS. If you have a 50 inch plasma, this show visually rivals the best of the Discovery Channel or HD Net. It's worth watching for the photography alone. It's simply spectacular.
But I've discovered something else. The producers find ways to mix it up and throw in new twists and rules. Years ago they added "exile island" where a tribe that wins a challenge can send a castaway from the losing team into isolation overnight. But that "loser" has a chance to find an immunity idol to keep him safe from being voted off. It also changes the dynamic within that tribe. In recent seasons they have also shuffled the tribe make-ups without warning, busting up alliances that had formed.
This past week, something new: the castaways competed for individual immunity before the two tribes merged. Keeps it fresh. I've also discovered that each season the casts have distinct collective personalities. I'm not sure how much credit goes to the casting directors, and how much of this is a natural extension of human nature. Perhaps a little bit of both.
I diligently watched the first two seasons. Season one will always be unique because it was the first. There were no preconceived notions, no established strategies, and no knowledge of how past winners made it to the top. After the 9/11 attacks, I stopped watching for several seasons. It just seemed that "manufactured" peril wasn't necessary (or interesting) in this world where we all might become survivors. But that wore off and I started watching again three years later when the "best" past contestants returned for "Survivor All-Stars" (season 8). Skipped a year (two seasons) then started watching again, and now after watching five seasons in a row, I seem to be hooked for life. In the world of reality, nobody does it better. Not even Big Brother or Amazing Race, two other CBS staples. The irony: with the storyline manipulations achieved in the editing booth, these shows aren't reality at all!
Reality TV,
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