Sunday, October 24, 2010

Allan Pinkerton, Anyone? Okay, then how about Gerard Butler?

If you're an American history buff and/or a fan of dashing actor Gerard Butler, you will like this news from Starz -- they're developing a series with him! Check out the link below for all the details!

Starz Develops Allan Pinkerton Limited Series With Bob Cochran & Gerard Butler

This is great news for those of us who love historical TV focusing on the mid-19th Century, one of the most explosive times in America! As a Lincoln buff of course I love that Pinkerton cut his teeth working with the our greatest Prez. (That's Pinkerton on the left with Abe!)

Can you imagine Gerard Butler as Allan Pinkerton in those cool period clothes, if he stars in it? Oooo la la! And if he doesn't star in it, I don't think they should do it. You will need a star of his caliber and charisma to pull this off -- i.e. get viewers to watch -- and we sure hope that Starz can make this happen!

We were also pleased to hear earlier this month about a possible redo of The Wild Wild West, too. That's kind of like Allan Pinkerton meets Steampunk, so it's a must on several levels!

Starz must be reeling from the unfortunate situation with its very successful Spartacus series, whose star Andy Whitfield recently had to drop out of the show due to a return of his cancer. The network knows how to put together exciting TV -- and also unfortunately how to cancel spunky little comedies like Party On -- but let's hope this one comes together!

1 comment:

Jack Pendarvis said...

Spoiler alert for the final episode! Alan Pinkerton slips on an icy sidewalk, bites his tongue, and dies of gangrene!