Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nose-Talgia: "Tonight Show" with Jack Paar and Blossom Dearie

At a time when singing on TV seems to be mostly endless runs of annoying and pretentious melisma, don't you sometimes long for just a simple and charming rendition of a terrific song, done by a master of the art?  I was surfing around and found this utterly wonderful clip of the late, great singer Blossom Dearie, introduced by the erudite and witty Jack Paar as host of The Tonight Show (which was often referred to as just The Jack Paar Show.)  This is maybe unlike anything you've heard before, but once you get an earful of Blossom Dearie you'll want to seek out her recordings and clips on YouTube.  She is delightful, and I guarantee that nobody's ever sung about that surrey from "Oklahoma" in quite the same way.


Jane said...

Love, love, love this singer, this jazzy rendition of "Surrey" and this post. This is the kind of surprising tasty tidbit that makes the Flaming Nose such a treasure. Thank you Lisa!

PS-I am going to hunt down this singer on iTunes.

Lisa said...

She is so great! I've loved her for a long time and there is a fair bit of her on YouTube, too! She made a lot of albums and was a real NYC jazz darling.

Glad you enjoyed this!