Monday, June 7, 2010

A Lotta Love for Betty White

After losing Rue McClanahan last week, The Flaming Nose firmly believes the continued vibrant presence of her The Golden Girls co-star Betty White is a gift that we should savor to its fullest extent.

The 88-year-old Betty is on a roll these days. In a great recent interview from Advertising Age, she tells how her Super Bowl spot kicked her career back into high gear, culminating in her recent ratings-grabbing and completely hilarious hosting of Saturday Night Live. Read the article here.

You might also like to check out this gallery of Betty White photos from NY Daily; it's very entertaining and you'll be reminded what a glorious show biz trooper she is!

Here's a preview for her Super Bowl ad, but the best quality version of the commercial itself is on the Snickers site here.

And here's one of her great skits from SNL -- "CSI: Sarasota" (where I now live!).

(And may I ask why NBC claims to put "full shows" of SNL online, but they only run about 46:00 and leave out musical numbers and even more heinously many of the skits? That's ridiculous!).

All Hail Betty White!

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