You're probably thinking, what in God's name did we all do on Thanksgiving after the Macy's parade was over and the turkey was bubbling in the oven? Well most people watched football on TV and if you weren't a sports fan television was a vast desert. That is, until the Twilight Zone Marathon came along. Invented by industry titan and fellow Nose founder Lisa, the T-Zone marathon was at the forefront of alternative programming. An entire day of Twilight Zone episodes were programmed back to back on independent TV powerhouse KTLA (Los Angeles). It was wildly, amazingly, Nielsen ratingly successful. Finally, non-football followers had something to be thankful for on the national day of stuffing and pumpkin pie. Rod Serling's classic and iconic series was truly a feast for starving TV viewers.

Do you have a favorite Twilight Zone episode? A lot of people would choose the one pictured above, where a very young William Shatner thinks he sees a monster on the wing of a plane. Yes! There was once something a bit scarier than TSA pat downs or body scans! I'm partial to "A Stop at Willoughby", which always resonated personally after many years working in media and advertising. In it, an ad executive loses all his marbles from Madison Avenue stress, and finds a way to escape into a kinder, gentler time, compliments of....the Twilight Zone. I hope this post helps you recall a kinder, gentler time in television history. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I was pleased to see KTLA doing it today, again -- but only until 6pm, but with some really poor choices in the marathon, IMHO. A marathon needs only the most iconic episodes, every one needs to be a winner -- this one wasn't. Somebody doesn't understand programming too well over there, I'd say. Actually, I believe the TZMarathon was first done by a Boston indie, then KTLA did it soon after. Special show, great occasion, and wonderful tradition!!
I forgot to say my favorite episode -- gee...possibly "Nick of Time" with William Shatner and the fortune telling machine, the one with Billy Mumy as the little kid with strange powers -- see, I'm trying to remember the titles without looking them up...couldn't remember that one! -- so many others! Almost all are good, which is amazing considering there are almost a hundred and a half of them!
I actually have 2 or 3 seasons in a boxed set that I have to haul out every now and then. The caliber of stars it attracted (Shatner, Agnes Morehead to name a few) was pretty significant. It was very, very smart TV during an era when dumb TV (Beverly Hillbillies, Gilligan's Island) ruled. NOT that there was anything wrong with dumb TV! ")
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