"Mad Men" is off to a great start. It's even greater if you have an HD plasma or LCD television that shows off the visually stunning sets and wardrobe! Problem is most cable providers don't carry AMC as a digitial HD channel. BUT... many cable companies, like Time Warner (my provider) do have HD on-demand. That's where you find movies and series from premium and basic cable channels available for you to watch anytime. For example, "Mad Men" episodes are available in full 16x9 HD in the
HD Showcase section of TW's on-demand, right after they air on Sunday night. If you've got a big screen, it's well worth the short wait to see it in crisp, clear, vibrant colors. Otherwise, with standard def, it really softens when you expand it to fill the screen.
That's my tip for the day!
Thanks for this tip Scott! I have been going nuts watching Mad Men in non-digital non-HD crap quality. It's like Jurassic Park television, so grainy and awful. I tried convincing myself that it was OK because this is a period piece, after all, but it just didn't work. I'm on Time Warner, I'll check for AMC on demand. Cool!!!
Well, where I am, won't be able to get the HD, but Mad Men's also airing on a Canadian net so perhaps I CAN get the HD -- I will start investigating!
Great to have you back, Scott! We missed the heck out of you! :-)
Thanks! I was in high speed hell! I'm a roadrunner just like Jane now!
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