Lost in Space is one of the most beloved science fiction series ever, particularly for baby boomers who grew up appreciating its absurdist sensibility. Unlike Star Trek, which thanks to Gene Roddenbury had real science as the basis for many stories, Lost in Space was pure fun. It featured alien planets which were chock full of magicians, opera singers, giant talking carrots and sparkling green ladies wearing bowl hats. The first time I realized that the 4th wall was brok
en on my TV set as a child, was when I could clearly see that the mine field Irwin Allen had created on a God forsaken asteroid was constructed from colored plastic beach balls. Okey dokey, so the production budget was a little light for Lost in Space.

Of all the characters on Lost In Space, the most compassionate, caring and well... human, was the lovely robot. He was brave and sensistive and able to tolerate the most brutal hazing from his nemesis "Dr. Smith", who routinely referred to him as a "bubble headed booby". Thanks to the talent of Mr. Tufeld, we all believed in the robot when he would slump with sorrow or flail his retractable arms and bellow "Danger Will Robinson". Although I could identify best with the Robinson kids Will (Billy Mumy) and Penny (Angela Cartwright), the Robot was always my favorite.
Take a moment to remember a TV show from a kinder, gentler and definitely sillier age. His character may have said "that does not compute", but we all understand that the man who gave voice to the Robot will be missed.