Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mr. Television Marc Berman's Excellent Mid-Season Broadcast TV Update

In case you weren't around yesterday afternoon to catch it live, you can still watch and listen to Mediaweek's Marc Berman's presentation online, and I highly recommend it. As television aficionados and more, Flaming Nose readers will love Marc's informed and entertaining insights into what's going on with the networks schedules. It's absolutely fascinating stuff!

You will have to register to view the presentation, but it's quick and worth it. Presented by Nielsen Business Media webcasts, and hosted by Elliot Markowitz, Marc Berman's Midseason 2009 Broadcast Television Update is an extension of Marc's excellent daily The Programming Insider analysis and email from MediaWeek. If you're not already receiving Marc's newsletter in your inbox every weekday morning, you don't know what you're missing. You can go to MediaWeek, click on newsletters, and sign yourself up!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Viral Video Moment: Dog and Elephant BFFs!

Having a tough week? Economy got you down? Has your life turned into one big Stress Sandwich on a hard roll with lettuce and mayo to go? Take a deep breath and and watch this wonderful video. I have a sister who (along with me) is obsessed with inter species animal friendships. We collect them. The moose that fell in love with a cow. The baby hippo orphan that was adopted by a giant sea turtle. And for some strange reason cats and horses are just plain nuts for each other.

I think this (see video) is one of the best. An elephant and her best buddy...a stray dog. Guaranteed to make you feel pretty gooey.'s better than Prozac!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Head Case" - Cable's Creative Psyche

20 years ago HBO and Showtime begin showing us we no longer needed to rely on the four major broadcast networks to satisfy the bulk of our entertainment needs.
For a few bucks a month, we could get perfect reception AND great programming by subscribing to cable.

Two years ago, AMC became the first non-premium cable channel to really give HBO & Showtime a run for its money with "Mad Men." Now comes Starz, a premium channel that's come up with what very well might be the best show that you're not watching. Unless you're like my partner and me - TV junkies who simply must have the entire premium cable package (sans sports & Spanish TV) to satisfy our TV needs.

"Head Case" is one of a growing list of shows that has you sitting there entirely uncomfortable, and sometimes with your jaw dropping in a combination of amazement and disgust (see The Office, Parks & Recreation, The Comeback). I admit, these shows can be like a hang nail. They can hurt, but you just can't stop pulling at it. That's why I'm not sure I even love "Head Case," and yet I cannot stop watching it.

Alexandra Wentworth (pictured above) and Steve Landesberg star as Los Angeles psychologists who share a "practice to the stars." You guessed it; that means a parade of celebrity guest stars playing themselves. Sometimes they poke fun at themselves, but most of the the time they play it straight and let Wentworth's character go off on a tangent of delusional hilarity, supporting the notion that some of the craziest people in the world are the not the patients, but rather the shrinks.

"Head Case" has something else going for it. The show relies heavily on improvisation. I believe it's scripted, but the actors frequently get into character on ad lib riffs, rather than executing lines. This gives the show the feel of a Christopher Guest movie such as "Best In Show" or "For Your Consideration."

Celebrity guest stars playing themesleves have included Rosanna Arquette, Andy Dick, Lea Thompson, Richard Kind, James Denton, David Alan Grier, Christopher Lloyd, Jonathan Silverman, Cindy Margolis and Jeff Goldblum, Tori Spelling, and Hugh Hefner... and a whole lot more.

"Head Case" premieres new episodes Wednesdays' at 10pm on Starz, with repeats throughout the week. Check your local cable or satellite provider for On Demand episodes. Below are two clips - one with guest star Geri Halliwell and another with one of Wentworth's tour de force scenes.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random Thoughts About Spock

Let's just "free-associate" about Spock for a few moments here, shall we?

  • What if Spock and Lucy had mated? What kind of other worldly spawn would result? I think the last post (thank you Lisa) comes up with a pretty good approximation.
  • What exactly is the juxtaposition between Vulcans and cats? A few weeks ago, Lisa posted a delightful video of two cars sparring to the awesome music of the Kirk-Spock fight in "Amok Time". It seemed quite logical to watch cats fight to this iconic music. And posted above is a scene from the original Star Trek where Spock seems smitten by a cat. Odd, because he didn't have the same affinity for Tribbles, and everyone else on the Enterprise went bonkers for Tribbles
  • Has there ever, in the history of television, been a more compelling "Bromance" than the relationship between Spock and Kirk? Were these dudes BFF's or what?
  • Retail Trek opportunity alert! Walmart now has action figures from the upcoming movie on May 8th for around $6.00 apiece. I, of course, had to purchase the Spock doll, to be used as a computer God on my home office desk. He comes with an adorable detachable hand; you can have either a normal hand or a "Vulcan Salute" hand. I'm posting a picture here....enjoy!
  • What is your favorite original Star Trek catchphrase?
  1. Live long and prosper
  2. He's dead, Jim!
  3. I am responsible for the lives of 357 crew people
  4. Beam me up, Scotty
And as the approaching movie release date (May 8th, in case you've been in a coma) looms near...let the hysteria continue!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fascinating "Star Trek" Content at Addicting!

If you've got a few minutes to spare and want to test your reflexes, short term memory, basic math skills and several other abilities, click on over to the Addicting Games website where you can play the new Star Trek Academy Trainer!

Lots of different phases and it's pretty fun -- and not as easy as you might hope!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Viral Video Moment--Britain's Singing Sensation: Susan Boyle

The web is on fire with this snippet from Britain's Got Talent in the UK. A somewhat dowdy and decidedly plump, 47 year old lady by the name of Susan Boyle took to the stage in a recent episode. Amidst the usual sniggers and rolling of eyes, she proceeded perform the vocal equivalent of Babe Ruth knocking a homer out of the park. The crowd went wild, they practically did the wave. I've never seen Simon Cowell so happy or engaged.

Unfortunately, all of the videos I could find have the embed disabled. Please click on the link above to see Ms. Boyle singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables. It's magic.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter from The Flaming Nose

Easter is very under served by television. Christmas has countless classic specials, but Easter goes mostly unloved by the small screen. After an exhausting online search, I found this video set to Handel's "Messiah" . Beautiful shots of our universe, to remind us...(depending on your religious persuasion) of the Glory of God. Or the small miracle of humanity.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Why Do We Love the Bad Boys of TV?

It occurred to me the other day that many of the most popular male characters on television today are so relentlessly unlikeable, they never would have had a chance in a prime time show 20 or 30 years ago. They are bad to the bone, and yet we love them; just look at all the Emmy awards, critical acclaim and sky high ratings these guys deliver.

In fact, our love affair with the bad guys is so prevalent on TV today, it's difficult to find a central character in a series who isn't terrible, or at the very least hopelessly flawed and unforgiven.

Ground zero for popular evil-doers is Tony Soprano, loving mafia patriarch and homicidal maniac. Poor Tony is now floating around a diner in New Jersey forever, but we have many naughty spawns to keep us entertained. The Nose bloggers have made no secret of their love for Showtime's Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a serial killer who carves up his victims with no more thought than what you would give to buttering a slice of toast for breakfast. Then we have AMC's Walter White (Bryan Cranston) on Breaking Bad. Every one's favorite high school chemistry teacher is secretly cooking crank in a Winnebago, and urging one of his former students to murder the drug thugs who get in his way.

Less murderous, but just as mean in his own anhedonic way is Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) on Fox. This pill popping Vicodin addict never met a patient or co-worker that he liked, but we tolerate his inhumane behavior because of his brilliant diagnostic talents. He has the bedside manner of Godzilla. I just hate him. I'd rather see Dr. Mengele if I woke up in the emergency room, but I'll never miss an episode.

Now we also have the very troubled Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) on fX, returning for a fifth season of Rescue Me. He's usually drunk or high, he cheats on wives and girl friends and he hates his dead father with a passion. He is the embodiment of anger (I think that's why we love him, everybody is so angry these days) and when he isn't boiling over with existential rage, he's jumping into flaming buildings to save complete strangers.

Is there any main male character out there who isn't bad? Don Draper on Mad Men (adulterer), Homer Simpson (donut glutton and screw-up), Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock (selfish TV Titan without a soul).

I remember hearing once that the original pilot for All in the Family had one of the lowest research testing scores in the history of television. People just couldn't believe that Archie Bunker could say such awful things. But good old Archie was really a marshmallow, underneath his bigoted barbs. Today's bad boys would eat him alive!

Let's Just Put Up All the New Scenes from "Trek"!

Here's Chris Pine as Kirk and Karl Urban as McCoy meeting for the first time!

And here Kirk meets up with Uhura, played by the lovely Zoe Saldana --

It's good seeing sexy vibes coming from the movie -- I get where some folks might be thinking this is too "90210" for Trek, but I think it's wonderful! From what I've seen I like Pine as Kirk, and Urban looks like a great McCoy, and same for Quinto as Spock, who certainly has the perfect look and we'll see if he captures the mystique (something that maybe only matters to us old time fans -- he can create his own mystique, of course).

Can't wait for this!

Spock-Kirk Confrontation from the new "Star Trek"!

Zachary Quinto, Chris Pine and Simon Pegg in a terrific scene from the upcoming Star Trek movie!

Looking good!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Amy Poehler in "Parks and Recreation" Premieres Tonight on NBC!

Saturday Night Live's ace comedienne Amy Poehler (and new mama) gets her own series tonight, as the producers of The Office bring us Parks and Recreation starring Ms. P as a local government official in Indiana. Shot in the same mockumentary style as The Office, PandA aims to poke fun at the bureaucracy of small-town politics and the people who thrive on it. (Pictured below, Amy and Nick Offerman, who plays her boss.)

Poehler's character Leslie Knope is a striver, an idealist, and surrounded by co-workers in various stages of disinterest and corruption. Ms. Poehler's bright presence will be another feather in NBC's Thursday night cap, and now we've got two of the funniest women -- Amy and Tina Fey -- on television on the same night, and the same network. Can't beat that.

With a premise sounding a little like The Office combined with the movies Election and Legally Blonde -- cute female protagonist takes on all comers -- Parks and Recreation is a show we're rooting for to become another bright spot on NBC 's already terrific Thursday night.

Parks and Recreation
premieres tonight at 8:30pm on NBC. Be sure to check out NBC's website for more information and extra features on the show.

Heads Up for "The Essentials" on TCM

If there is anything the Flaming Nose bloggers love as much as television, it would have to be the movies. Especially classic movies that stand the test of time. In March 2009, TCM started a wonderful new series called The Essentials, airing Saturday nights at 8pm.

The Essentials is hosted by a perfect pairing of Robert Osborne (legendary Hollywood Reporter movie critic and columnist) and Alec Baldwin (Emmy award winning comedic star of NBC's "30 Rock" and accomplished actor with his own mile long filmography). Robert Osborne has long provided sophisticated and witty background for TCM movies. Adding Alec Baldwin's unabashed passion and humor to the classic movie hosting team is inspired.

This Saturday on April 11th, The Essentials will feature lesser known 1942 Hitchcock gem, "Saboteur". Upcoming titles will include Butch Cassidy, Funny Girl and the 1935 version of Mutiny on the Bounty. Surely these are pictures that most film fans have seen countless times, but there will be fun hearing the banter and fresh perspectives from Osborne and Baldwin.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't Forget -- "Rescue Me" Season Five Premieres Tonight on FX!

As Jane reminded us here earlier, FX Network's prickly dramedy Rescue Me returns for its fifth season tonight, with a full order of 22 episodes on tap for us. Rescue Me tends to make every other drama seem a little anemic, don't you think, and it's Denis Leary's sexy and searing portrayal of troubled firefighter Tommy Gavin that sets this one on fire.

Here's an early review from today's New York Times -- can't wait to see Michael J. Fox in this exciting and often daring series!

Rescue Me airs at Tuesdays at 10pm on FX. Visit the Rescue Me website for great extras and more info.

Early Reviews of "Star Trek" Coming In!

Sure, the world premiere may have taken place in Sydney, Australia yesterday, but fans in Austin, Texas also scored an unexpected and wonderful preview of the new Star Trek movie last night, too. Courtesy of the web-famous Ain't It Cool News folks, Leonard Nimoy, the writers and producer Damon Linehof showed up to sneak the movie for a select audience. There are several terrific accounts of the evening alredy posted, one here by Neil Miller who is a self-professed Trek fan, another here by Cole Abaius who isn't. Harry of AICN has a rave review here, and Quint of AICN gives his two cents here. Here's another aggregation of reviews posted at /Film by Peter Sciretta.

After reading these, I don't think our enthusiasm and excitement for the new movie is misplaced!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nat Geo Channel Tells Tough Stories

This is a good week for the Nat Geo Channel. The new season of the harrowing Locked Up Abroad started this past Wednesday, and the first episode "Cuzco" replays tonight at 6pm. We all know there are plenty of real-life characters on TV these days who don't deserve much sympathy -- spoiled brides-to-be, snippety would-be fashion models, the real housewives of just about anywhere -- and you might be tempted to put the hapless folks from Locked Up Abroad into that category. They often appearing to be traveling headlong into obvious trouble with messy druggy lifestyles, and maybe it's hard to drum up much concern for them.

But's got to be horrible, and even worse, some of these folks are completely innocent and yet they've gotten into the most dire predicaments in grungy prisons in hot sweaty countries with dicey legal standards. Locked Up Abroad should at the very least serve as an object lesson for everybody contemplating being a drug mule for fun and profit. Just say no. Visit the LUA site on the Nat Geo website for more information and if you've got a creepy story of your own, they'd like to hear it.

Tonight Nat Geo premieres a timely documentary under their Explorer label: Inside Guantanamo takes us into the infamous prison where 9/11-related detainees are been held. With the recent announcement by Pres. Obama that he intends to close Gitmo, the disposition of the 200 men (are they all men?) is a global issue. Regardless of your politics, the ethical and legal questions raised by Guantanamo are myriad, and this special might help answer some questions for all of us.

It clearly won't be an easy two hours to watch, but it needs to be seen. Nat Geo has provided a detailed companion website for Inside Guantanamo, and it deserves a visit. A panel discussion with the filmmakers, history of the prison, and many other relevant pieces of background info are provided. Inside Guantanamo airs tonight at 9pm Eastern, with a repeat at midnight, and also a couple of plays on this coming Wednesday 4/8 at 8pm with a new Locked Up Abroad directly following. Don't miss it.

The Flaming Nose salutes Nat Geo for being a terrific channel, with a programming mandate that's always intelligent and consistently fascinating.

Friday, April 3, 2009

"ER" Gets a Big Goodbye from Fans

Congrats to NBC for their impressive final episode of the long-running medical series ER, which aired last night. Somewhere over 16 million viewers tuned in for the episode, which brought back former series star Noah Wyle to offer a sentimental wrap-up to the popular show which has lasted for fifteen seasons.

It's always feels like an important milestone when a long-lived series ends, and ER has a lot to be proud of, including being NBC's top drama for many years and proving once again that medical dramas never lose their fascination for audiences. If I may confess, I've never been a fan of the current crop of soap opera doctor shows, and I'm afraid that ER never was my cup of tea, but congrats for a job long and well done, NBC and ER!

As for lists putting it as one of TV's best series ever...well, the people making those lists often have very short memories and usually don't like to go beyond their own viewing lifetimes. In terms of medical dramas, I'd put the very adult Ben Casey from the 1960s right up there, and even The Bold Ones from NBC's own nearly-distant past. There's no shortage of good medical shows to choose from. I'd say ER ranks about with Medical Center, and that's a compliment, by the way.

Unfortunately, like many super-popular soapy dramas, the prospect for continued cultural relevance is probably very low. Shows like ER don't repeat worth a darn -- ask me how thrilled I was when as head of Programming at the network-which-must-not-be-named the show was foisted on us as an inter-company buy, and for a pretty penny, and nobody but us programming people knew it wasn't going to work for us. Sure, we were the grumpy ones, but we were right. Soon the expensive show was being run off in morning slots, where it still plays, I believe. Trust me on this, "Important" dramas don't work in reruns. Never. Ever. That doesn't mean you don't make them, or even run them, but don't look for a long tail in syndication life or ratings commensurate to their network fame.

So it's goodbye to ER, at least in first-run. For those of you who missed the episode and want to watch it on television like a real viewer, it's repeating this Saturday night at 8pm. Check out NBC on the web for a very elaborate and well-done site on the show.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Previously Unseen "Star Trek" Footage Found in Vault!

Eureka, Star Trek fans! It's the Holy Grail for Trekkies! Several short test reels for Star Trek: The Original Series have been uncovered inside Paramount's film storage vaults. From notes found in the film cans, plus screenings of the footage, Trekperts at the studio have determined that these were individual promotional scenes made to be shown to NBC-TV execs and affiliates during network meetings. In all cases they do not correspond to any full episodes of ST:TOS, so these are true rarities. Paramount has released a selection of photos and short descriptions of the material, with a full release scheduled for later in the year after further restoration:

McCoy, Vampire Hunter: Dr. McCoy beams down to a Victorian England-era planet where his medical training makes him the townspeople's perfect choice to deal with a dangerous predator who is terrorizing the village.

Prisoner Kirk: Capt. Kirk is captured by Klingons and is sent to a brutal detainee camp, but only he and Spock know that he is on an secret mission to rescue of one of the Federation's greatest space scientists who is facing immiment execution there.

Without Reservation: The crew of the Enterprise is challenged and disturbed by the free love/no clothing philosophy of the imperiled space colonists they have been sent to rescue from a disintegrating planet.

Chez Sickbay: Desperately craving Southern home cooking, Dr. McCoy breaks regulation and starts a successful cafe on the ship, and must decide whether to leave the Enterprise to embark on a career as a roving chef or remain a doctor.

Voice of the Vulcan: After a near-fatal bout with a dangerous fever, Spock discovers that he is able to sing and is pressed into service in the upcoming Federation Talent Show.

The Flaming Nose can't wait for the full release of this exciting new addition to the Star Trek legacy!