Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Official Nose Welcome to Dean, Our Newest Contributor!

Please take a look, if you haven't already, at the incredibly super "Dean's List, My 100 Favorite TV Shows" from Tuesday! Our newest Nose correspondent is Dean, who in addition to being a huge TV fan and connoisseur is one of the most engaging online film critics around! His movie blog Filmicability with Dean Treadway is guaranteed to inform and excite you, and make you love movies again! Put it on your must-read blog list!

I'm sure you'll agree that the first ten -- counting back from 100 -- of the TV series on his favorites list are a delightful mixed bag, and I know you're as curious as I am to see each group unveiled! We're pleased to announce that Dean will also be a regular feature here with his recommendations, specializing in internet shows and series, and anything else that strikes his television fancy.

Welcome, Dean! Great to have you here!


Jane said...

Welcome to the Nose, Dean! Wow, we have quite a crew of phenomenal writers now. We are all looking forward to your Top 100 Lists!

Scott said...

Yeah Dean. Welcome. I love reading your comments and look forward to your posts!